a man standing infront of the kaaba who knows how to perform hajj step by step

How to Perform Hajj Step by Step: A Comprehensive Guide

Hajj is a spiritual journey to Makkah, which Muslims want to take at least once in their life. This post gives you the most detailed guide on how to perform Hajj step by step.

What is Hajj?

Before we start with the steps it’s important to understand what Hajj means. Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam that must be carried out by every Muslim who can afford to undertake it physically and financially. For a comprehensive overview, visit What is Hajj?.

Step-by-Step Guide to Performing Hajj

1. Ihram

Ihram marks the beginning point of your spiritual journey where one enters into state of sanctity and puts on special clothes . This stage shows that you have decided to perform haj and also prepares you both spiritually as well as physically for making this pilgrimage.

Detailed Steps for Ihram:

  1. Perform Ghusl (Purification Bath)
    • Prior wearing ihram dresses it is required that a person should do ghusl i.e taking bath or if not possible then he/she can do wudu(ablution).
    • The act symbolizes cleanliness in both body and soul.
  2. Wear Ihram Garments
    • For Men: Put on two seamless white cloths:
      • One Cloth wrapped around waist covering lower part of body.
      • Other cloth draped over shoulder to cover upper part of torso.
    • For Women: Dress up in simple modest attire which covers whole body except face and hands.
    • These clothes are plain so as people can feel equal before the creator hence displaying humility towards Allah.
  3. Declare Intention (Niyyah)
    • You should say out verbally that you intend to perform Hajj or Umrah by saying “Labbayka Allahumma Hajjan” (Here I am, O Allah, intending Hajj) or “Labbayka Allahumma Umratan” (Here I am, O Allah, intending Umrah).
    • This marks beginning point for your journey.
  4. Recite Talbiyah
    • Keep reciting talbiyah as you move towards Makkah:
      • “Labbayka Allahumma Labbayk. Labbayka la sharika laka Labbayk. Innal hamda wan-ni’mata laka wal-mulk la sharika lak.”
      • Translation: “Here I am at Your service, O Lord, here I am. Here I am at Your service; You have no partner. Here I am at Your service. Verily all praise, grace and sovereignty belong to You; You have no partner.”
    • Talbiyah shows readiness and dedication to go through this holy path.
  5. Observe Restrictions of Ihram
    • Therefore, the following are the prohibitions of a person in the state of ihram among them include;
      • Avoid trimming the hair or cut the nails.
      • Do not use fragranced items for instance perfumes or even soaps.
      • Refrain from marital relations.
      • Avoid killing or hurting animals as this is considered as a sin.
      • Do not quarrel or get into an argument.
      • Do not wear garments that are stitched (for men).
      • Women should not wear masks in the form of veils, but should be allowed to wear cloths if they deem necessary.
  6. Maintain Spiritual Focus
    • Focus on worship and devotion during this period.
    • Increase Salah (prayers) performed, recitation of the Quran and Du’a (supplications) made.
    • Think about what this trip means to you and try to get closer to Allah.
  7. Travel Towards Mecca
    • Set off for Mecca while in Ihram.
    • Keep saying Talbiyah until you reach Masjid al-Haram.

Learn More About – Ihram

Importance of Ihram:

Ihram is a significant rite symbolizing humility equality submission to Allah. It serves as a reminder that we should leave all our worldly possessions behind and concentrate only on worshiping God. By entering into the state of Ihram with sincerity and devotion one can attain an inner peace contentment knowing that he has fulfilled an important aspect of his pilgrimage

Spiritual Significance:

Entering into the state of Ihram holds a deep spiritual meaning which signifies purification renewal commitment towards Allah SWT. This also reminds us as individuals or groups embarking on hajj to embrace simplicity humility throughout our lives striving always to keep ourselves clean before him alone. A sincere heart must accompany such acts if they are meant achieve tranquility within oneself because it marks realization of both outward journey back home through life’s ups downs till final destination is met internally thus resulting into peace with oneself even if other things fail being right outside these walls where everything happens without but nothing ever changes unless something changes within

2. Tawaf

Tawaf is among the most important rites of Hajj in which pilgrims walk around the Kaaba seven times anticlockwise, signifying the unity of believers in their worship of one God.

Detailed Steps for Tawaf:

  1. Prepare Yourself Spiritually and Physically
    • Ensure that you have achieved spiritual purity by performing Wudu (ablution).
    • Put on clean clothes that are appropriate for prayer.
  2. Intention (Niyyah)
    • Have a sincere intention in your heart that you are performing Tawaf as part of your obligations during Hajj.
  3. Start at the Black Stone (Hajar al-Aswad)
    • If possible, touch or kiss the Black Stone; if not, point towards it with your right hand saying “Bismillah Allahu Akbar” (In the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest).
    • This marks the beginning point for every circuit.
  4. Circumambulate the Kaaba Seven Times
    • Go around the Kaaba anti-clockwise seven times.
    • Each complete circuit round counts as one lap.
      • First round: Start at Black Stone -> Go around once -> End at Black Stone (1)
      • Second round: Repeat process (2)
      • Repeat until you finish seven rounds.
  5. Recite Prayers and Supplications
    • While making each circle round, recite prayers (Dua), supplications or verses from Quran – any sacred text will do!
    • Focus on devotion and connection with Allah.
    • Some recommended supplications include:
      • “SubhanAllah wal Hamdulillah wa la ilaha illallah wa Allahu Akbar” (Glory be to Allah, all praise be to Allah, there is no god but Allah, Allah is the Greatest)
      • “Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil-akhirati hasanatan wa qina ‘adhaban-nar” (Our Lord! Give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter and save us from the punishment of Hellfire)
  6. Multazam
    • After completing each round or any time during Tawaf, if possible, make Dua near Multazam (the area between Black Stone and Kaaba door).
    • It is believed that this place is where prayers are answered.
  7. Pray Two Rak’ahs at Maqam Ibrahim
    • Upon completing seven rounds, move to Maqam Ibrahim (Station of Abraham).
    • Offer two Rak’ahs behind it as an act showing appreciation and commitment.
    • If possible, recite Surah Al-Kafirun in the first Rak’ah and Surah Al-Ikhlas in the second Rak’ah.
  8. Drink Zamzam Water
    • Take some water from the well of Zamzam after finishing Tawaf.
    • While drinking Zamzam water, make Dua for anything as it is thought to have healing powers.
  9. Final Supplications
    • Once again stand close to Multazam if you can manage it.
    • Make sincere supplications seeking Allah’s forgiveness guidance protection blessings etc
    • Express thankfulness to Allah for enabling you complete the most important part of your pilgrimage

Learn More About – Tawaf

Importance Tawaf:

Tawaf significant ritual symbolizing unity believers worship One God It serves reminder pilgrims centrality Kaaba Islamic faith By performing this ritual sincerity devotion can achieve sense inner peace contentment knowing fulfilled important aspect pilgrimage

Spiritual Significance:

Tawaf is a significant ritual that symbolizes unity among believers in worshiping One God It serves as a reminder for Muslims about the central position of Kaaba in Islamic faith A person can attain inner peace when he or she performs this act with utmost sincerity before his/her creator during hajj pilgrimage because through genuine devotion one may find contentment knowing that he has fulfilled what was required spiritually

3. Sa’i

Sa’i is an important part of the Hajj pilgrimage. It commemorates Hagar’s search for water for her son Ishmael. Sa’i involves walking between the hills of Safa and Marwah seven times.

Detailed Steps for Sa’i:

  1. Begin at Safa Hill
    • After Tawaf and drinking Zamzam water, move towards Safa hill.
    • Face the Kaaba and make intention (Niyyah) for performing Sa’i.
  2. Recite Supplications
    • Before starting Sa’i, recite any specific supplication or verse from Quran.
    • You may say: “Inna as-Safa wal-Marwah min sha’a’irillah” (Indeed, Safa and Marwah are among the symbols of Allah).
  3. Walk from Safa to Marwah
    • Briskly walk from Safa hill towards Marwah hill.
    • This walk represents Hagar’s desperate run between hills in search of water in desert.
  4. Reflect on Hagar’s Struggle
    • Ponder over the story of Hagar running back and forth these two hills while seeking water for her son Ishmael.
    • Appreciate her faith, patience, and trust on Allah during hard times.
  5. Perform Seven Rounds
    • Each journey from Safa to Marwah counts one round.
    • Complete seven rounds in total:
      • First trip: Safa to Marwah (1)
      • Second trip: Marwah to Safa (2)
      • Third trip: Safa to Marwah (3)
      • Fourth trip: Marwah to Safa (4)
      • Fifth trip: Safa to Marwah (5)
      • Sixth trip: Marwah to Safa (6)
      • Seventh trip: Safa to Marwah (7)
  6. Green Markers (Ramal)
    • There are two green markers on each round which indicate where men should run or walk fastly.
    • Women do not have to run but can fastly walk if they wish.
  7. Conclude at Marwah Hill
    • Seventh round ends at Marwah hill.
    • Make Du’a (supplications) asking Allah for forgiveness guidance protection blessings etc
    • Thank Allah for completing a vital part of the pilgrimage
  8. Post-Ritual Actions Once Sa’i has been done, pilgrims may go on with other rituals such as shaving hair or cutting it and feeling refreshed spiritually as well as physically

Learn More About – Sa’i

Importance Sa’i:

It is a very symbolic ritual that demonstrates people’s devotion and their ability to endure in the face of Allah’s will. It helps the pilgrims to emulate Hagar in her steadfastness on God’s purpose and plan for her By doing this act willingly and faithfully, a person is able to find his or her inner peace and satisfaction knowing that he or she has accomplished a major phase in the journey towards the divine being.

Spiritual Significance:

Sa’i is a significant spiritual act that displays struggle, determination, and the quest for divine assistance from Allah Sa’i gives the pilgrims a lesson of patience and perseverance as they are likely to face various challenges in their lives Performing this ritual, the pilgrims learn the spirit of dedication and the importance of seeking help from Allah to be able to get through the challenges that may come their way and that is why Sa’i is very significant in the lives of the Muslims.

4. Standing at Arafat (Wuquf)

On the 9th day of Dhul-Hijjah:

Arafat or Wuquf is said to be the peak of the hajj and the act of standing at Arafat is the main aspect of it. It is a day where everyone is expected to pray, repent and seek for the face of Allah.

Detailed Steps for Standing at Arafat (Wuquf):

  1. Travel to Arafat
    • Pilgrims are required to move from Mina to the plain of Arafat on the ninth day of Dhul-Hijjah.
    • It is recommended to be at Arafat by Dhuhr because standing at Arafat is one of the main rituals of Hajj.
  2. Engage in Continuous Prayer (Salah)
    • Pray Dhuhr and Asr combined and shortened (Qasr) with one Adhan and two Iqamahs.
    • Pray all through the day until it is time for the sunset (Maghrib).
  3. Make Du’a (Supplications)
    • Pray; pray for forgiveness, pray for guidance, pray for protection, pray for blessings and so on and so forth.
    • Meditate over previous behaviors that were not proper and search for remorse aiming for a change for the better in the future.
    • It means to supplicate for oneself as well as for the family, relatives, friends and the whole Muslim nation.
  4. Recite Talbiyah Takbir Tahlil Tahmid
    • Continuously recite phrases such as:
      • Talbiyah: “Labbayka Allahumma Labbayk…”
      • Takbir: “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is Greatest)
      • Tahlil: “La ilaha illallah” (There no deity worthy worship except Allah)
      • Tahmid: “Alhamdulillah” (All praise due Allah)
  5. Reflect on Significance Day
    • How the leaders should act in anger seeking forgiveness and the role of Arafat in renewing the faith.
    • Consider the Sermon that passed on by Prophet Muhammad (S. A. W) during the farewell pilgrimage at Mount Arafat where he stressed on the equality, unity, justice and compassion within the Muslim Ummah.
  6. Remain Until Sunset
    • Limit to the plain of Arafah, which includes praying, supplicating, reflecting and even until the sunset.
    • This means that if one has to leave Arafat before evening of the day then his hajj is incomplete and he has to repeat it the next year.
  7. Return to Mina After sunset on the same day leave the plain and proceed to Muzdalifah to continue the remaining acts of worship of the day and prepare for the next day’s stoning of pillars Ramy al-Jamarat.

Learn More About – Arafat

Importance Standing Arafat:

Standing Arafat the most important part of Hajj where without it the pilgrimage is incomplete. It is also a reminder of the importance of seeking forgiveness and renewing one’s faith By spending the whole day in prayers and reflections, one can attain a feeling of peace and satisfaction knowing that they have fulfilled one of the most important aspects of the pilgrimage.

Spiritual Significance:

The Day of Arafat holds much religious importance as it is the day of ultimate surrender to Allah It acts as a reminder that people are required to embrace humility and repent to Allah to lead a better life In this way, the ritual performed at Arafat holds the essence of spirituality and devotion as people are able to attain a state of inner peace and satisfaction that they have completed one of the most important parts of the pilgrimage.

5. Muzdalifah

After sunset on the Day of Arafat:

Muzdalifah is the last place where Muslims stay during Hajj after they left Arafat and spend the night in the open field. It is a period of solitude and spiritual activities as well as getting ready for the following day’s activities.

Detailed Steps for Muzdalifah:

  1. Travel from Arafat to Muzdalifah
    1. On the 9th day of Dhul-Hijjah, pilgrims move from Arafat to Muzdalifah after the sunset on the same day.
    2. Once you get to Muzdalifah pray the maghrib and isha prayers together.
    3. It represents the transition from the extreme of supplication at Arafat to the submission at Muzdalifah.
  2. Collect Pebbles
    1. Upon reaching Muzdalifah, collect 49 or 70 small pebbles (depending on whether you will be performing Ramy for two or three days).
    2. These pebbles will be used for the ritual stoning at Mina (Ramy al-Jamarat).
  3. Engage in Prayer and Reflection
    1. Spend the night in prayer (Salah) and reflection.
    2. Make Dua (supplications) asking Allah for forgiveness, guidance, and blessings.
    3. Reflect on the significance of the journey so far and prepare spiritually for the upcoming rituals.
  4. Sleep Under Open Sky
    1. Pilgrims spend the night under the open sky without tents or shelters.
    2. This act symbolizes humility and equality before Allah as all pilgrims share similar conditions regardless of their social status.
    3. It also serves as a reminder of human vulnerability and dependence on Allah’s mercy.
  5. Wake Up Early
    1. Wake up early before Fajr (dawn) prayer.
    2. Perform Fajr prayer at Muzdalifah before departing for Mina.
  6. Depart for Mina
    1. After performing Fajr prayer at Muzdalifah on the morning of 10th Dhul-Hijjah, pilgrims depart for Mina.
    2. Continue reciting Talbiyah while traveling towards Mina indicating ongoing state Ihram devotion

Learn More About – Muzdalifa

Importance of Muzdalifah:

Muzdalifah holds significant importance as it provides time reflection preparation continuation sacred journey It serves reminder pilgrims humility equality dependence upon Allah’s mercy By spending night under open sky engaging prayers reflections can achieve sense inner peace contentment knowing fulfilled important aspect pilgrimage

Spiritual Significance:

The stay at Muzdalifah emphasizes humility submission towards Allah It serves reminder pilgrims embrace simplicity reflect upon blessings received throughout journey By performing this ritual sincerity devotion can achieve sense inner peace contentment knowing fulfilled important aspect pilgrimage

6. Ramy al-Jamarat

Ramy al-Jamarat is an important ritual during Hajj where pilgrims throw pebbles at three pillars representing Satan. This act symbolizes defiance against evil and temptation.

Detailed Steps for Ramy al-Jamarat:

  1. Collect Pebbles
    • After spending the night at Muzdalifah on the 9th day of Dhul-Hijjah, collect 49 or 70 small pebbles (depending on whether you will be performing Ramy for two or three days).
    • Ensure that pebbles are small enough to be easily thrown but not too tiny.
  2. First Day (10th Dhul-Hijjah)
    • Travel from Muzdalifah to Mina after Fajr prayer.
    • Upon arrival in Mina, head towards Jamarat al-Aqaba (the largest pillar).
    • Throw seven pebbles at Jamarat al-Aqaba while reciting “Allahu Akbar” with each throw.
      • This act commemorates Prophet Ibrahim’s rejection of Satan’s temptation when he tried to dissuade him from following Allah’s command.
  3. Second Day (11th Dhul-Hijjah)
    • On this day, pilgrims perform Ramy at all three pillars (Jamarat):
      • Jamarat al-Sughra (the smallest pillar)
      • Jamarat al-Wusta (the middle pillar)
      • Jamarat al-Aqaba (the largest pillar)
    • Throw seven pebbles at each pillar starting from smallest largest reciting “Allahu Akbar” each throw
      • This symbolizes continuous rejection evil throughout different stages life
  4. Third Day (12th Dhul-Hijjah) Repeat process performed second day throwing seven pebbles each three pillars starting smallest largest reciting “Allahu Akbar” each throw Pilgrims may choose stay additional day perform fourth round Ramy following same procedure
  5. Importance Ramy al-Jamarat Ramy al-Jamarat significant ritual symbolizing rejection evil temptation demonstrating unwavering faith obedience towards Allah It serves reminder pilgrims emulate Prophet Ibrahim’s steadfastness resisting Satan By performing this ritual sincerity devotion can achieve sense empowerment knowing actively combating negative influences lives
  6. Post-Ritual Actions After completing Ramy pilgrims proceed with other rituals such Eid al-Adha sacrifice shaving cutting hair Tawaf al-Ifadah feeling renewed spiritually physically

Learn More About – Rami

Spiritual Significance:

Ramy al-Jamarat holds deep spiritual significance representing defiance against evil steadfastness faith obedience towards Allah It serves reminder pilgrims actively resist negative influences lives striving maintain purity righteousness By performing this ritual sincerity devotion can achieve sense inner peace contentment knowing fulfilled important aspect pilgrimage

7. Eid al-Adha Sacrifice

The Eid al-Adha sacrifice, also known as Qurbani or Udhiya, commemorates Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail in obedience to Allah’s command. This act signifies submission to Allah’s will and demonstrates gratitude for His mercy.

Detailed Steps for Eid al-Adha Sacrifice:

  1. Understand the Significance
    1. Reflect on Prophet Ibrahim’s unwavering faith and willingness to sacrifice his beloved son Ismail as an act of obedience to Allah.
    2. Recognize that Allah replaced Ismail with a ram, symbolizing His mercy and grace.
  2. Arrange or Participate in Animal Sacrifice
    1. The sacrifice can be performed by yourself or arranged through an organization that facilitates Qurbani.
    2. Ensure that the animal chosen for sacrifice meets Islamic requirements – it should be healthy and free from defects.
      1. Acceptable animals include sheep, goats (one per person), cows, camels (can be shared by up to seven people).
  3. Performing the Sacrifice
    1. On the 10th day of Dhul-Hijjah after performing Ramy al-Jamarat:
      1. Recite “Bismillah Allahu Akbar” (In the name of Allah, Allah is Greatest) before making any cut.
      2. Use a sharp knife ensure swift humane process minimizing animal suffering
      3. Make sure face Qibla direction while performing sacrifice
  4. Distribute Meat
    1. Divide meat into three equal parts:
      1. One part for yourself and your family.
      2. One part for friends and relatives.
      3. One part for those in need or less fortunate members community
    2. Distributing meat emphasizes spirit sharing caring within community ensuring everyone benefits from blessings Eid
  5. 5 Post-Sacrifice Actions After completing sacrifice pilgrims may proceed with shaving cutting hair indicating end state Ihram restrictions They may continue remaining rituals feeling renewed spiritually physically

Learn More About – Animal Sacrifice

Spiritual Significance:

The Eid al-Adha sacrifice holds deep spiritual significance representing submission obedience towards Allah It serves reminder pilgrims emulate Prophet Ibrahim’s unwavering faith trust divine plan By performing this ritual sincerity devotion can achieve sense inner peace contentment knowing fulfilled important aspect pilgrimage

8. Shaving/Cutting Hair

Shaving or cutting hair is a significant ritual during Hajj that symbolizes purification and renewal after completing major rites like Ramy al-Jamarat and animal sacrifice.

Detailed Steps for Shaving/Cutting Hair:

  1. For Men
    1. Shave Your Head Completely or Cut Hair Short
      1. The act of shaving (Halq) involves removing all hair from your head using a razor or clipper.
      2. Alternatively, you can trim your hair short (Qasr) if shaving is not possible or preferred.
    2. Symbolism
      1. Shaving signifies complete renewal and humility before Allah.
      2. Cutting hair short also represents purification but to a lesser extent than shaving completely.
  2. For Women
    1. Cut a Small Portion of Hair (About an Inch)
      1. Women should cut a small portion from their hair as a sign of modesty and purification.
    2. Symbolism
      1. This act signifies modesty, cleanliness, and adherence to Islamic teachings regarding personal grooming during pilgrimage.
  3. Procedure
    1. After performing Ramy al-Jamarat on the 10th day of Dhul-Hijjah:
      1. Men should proceed with either shaving their heads completely or cutting their hair short.
      2. Women should cut approximately an inch from their hair ends.
    2. Ensure cleanliness by using clean tools such as razors scissors clippers etc while performing this ritual avoid any infections injuries
  4. Importance Shaving/Cutting Hair This ritual marks significant transition state Ihram towards completion major rites It symbolizes spiritual physical renewal humility submission towards Allah By removing hair pilgrims demonstrate willingness shed past sins impurities starting anew purified state
  5. Post-Ritual Actions After completing shaving/cutting hair pilgrims can change regular clothes indicating end state Ihram restrictions They may continue remaining rituals feeling renewed spiritually physically

Learn More About – Shaving or Cuting Hair

Spiritual Significance:

Shaving cutting hair holds deep spiritual significance representing cleansing renewal humility submission towards Allah It serves reminder pilgrims leave behind past sins impurities embracing new chapter lives filled devotion righteousness By performing this ritual sincerity devotion can achieve sense inner peace contentment knowing fulfilled important aspect pilgrimage

9. Tawaf al-Ifadah

After returning from Mina:

Tawaf al-Ifadah is one of the most important rituals during Hajj, performed after returning from Mina on or after the 10th day of Dhul-Hijjah. It signifies a deeper level of purification and devotion after completing several key rituals.

Detailed Steps for Tawaf al-Ifadah:

  1. Prepare Yourself Spiritually and Physically
    1. Ensure you are in a state of purity by performing Wudu (ablution).
    2. Wear clean clothes suitable for prayer.
  2. Intention (Niyyah)
    1. Make a sincere intention in your heart that you are performing this Tawaf as part of your obligations during Hajj.
  3. Start at the Black Stone (Hajar al-Aswad)
    1. If possible, touch or kiss the Black Stone; if not, raise your hand towards it while saying “Bismillah Allahu Akbar” (In the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest).
  4. Circumambulate the Kaaba Seven Times
    1. Move counterclockwise around the Kaaba seven times.
    2. Recite prayers, supplications (Dua), or verses from the Quran during each round.
    3. Maintain focus on your devotion and connection with Allah.
  5. Pray Two Rak’ahs at Maqam Ibrahim
    1. After completing seven rounds, proceed to Maqam Ibrahim (the Station of Abraham) if possible.
    2. Pray two Rak’ahs behind it as a sign of gratitude and devotion.
  6. Drink Zamzam Water
    1. Drink water from the Zamzam well as an act of purification and blessing.
    2. Make Dua while drinking Zamzam water as it is believed to have healing properties.
  7. Perform Sa’i Between Safa and Marwah Hills
    1. If you did not perform Sa’i earlier during Umrah or if required again as part of your specific rites:
      1. Begin at Safa Hill by facing towards Kaaba making intention
      2. Walk briskly between Safa Marwah hills seven times each trip from one hill another counts one round
      3. End at Marwah Hill completing rounds ending
  8. Final Supplications Stand near Multazam area between Black Stone Kaaba door possible Make heartfelt supplications asking Allah forgiveness guidance protection blessings etc Express gratitude towards Allah allowing complete sacred journey successfully
  9. Leave Masjid Al Haram Peacefully Respectfully Exit mosque calmly quietly reflecting upon experiences prayers made throughout journey Continue reciting Talbiyah until reach outskirts city limits indicating end state Ihram Maintain Spiritual Connection Post-Hajj Carry lessons learned renewed spirituality daily life continue practicing good deeds acts worship strengthening faith

Learn More About – Tawaf al Ifadah

Importance Tawaf al-Ifadah:

Tawaf al-Ifadah signifies further purification deepening commitment devotion completion major rituals It serves reminder pilgrims carry essence spirituality gained during back homes communities implementing positive changes lives By performing Tawaf al-Ifadah sincerity devotion can leave Mecca hearts filled peace contentment knowing fulfilled important pillar Islam

10 Farewell Tawaf (Tawaf al-Wada)

Before leaving Mecca:

Farewell Tawaf, also known as Tawaf al-Wada, is a final act of devotion before leaving Mecca after completing all other rituals of Hajj. It symbolizes bidding farewell to the holy city with love and respect.

Detailed Steps for Farewell Tawaf:

  1. Prepare Yourself Spiritually and Physically
    1. Ensure you are in a state of purity by performing Wudu (ablution).
    2. Wear clean clothes suitable for prayer.
  2. Intention (Niyyah)
    1. Make a sincere intention in your heart that you are performing this Tawaf as a farewell gesture before leaving Mecca.
  3. Start at the Black Stone (Hajar al-Aswad)
    1. If possible, touch or kiss the Black Stone; if not, raise your hand towards it while saying “Bismillah Allahu Akbar” (In the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest).
  4. Circumambulate the Kaaba Seven Times
    1. Move counterclockwise around the Kaaba seven times.
    2. Recite prayers, supplications (Dua), or verses from the Quran during each round.
    3. Maintain focus on your devotion and connection with Allah.
  5. Pray Two Rak’ahs at Maqam Ibrahim
    1. After completing seven rounds, proceed to Maqam Ibrahim (the Station of Abraham) if possible.
    2. Pray two Rak’ahs behind it as a sign of gratitude and devotion.
  6. Drink Zamzam Water
    1. Drink water from the Zamzam well as a final act before leaving Masjid al-Haram.
    2. Make Dua while drinking Zamzam water as it is believed to have healing properties.
  7. Final Supplications
    1. Stand near Multazam (the area between the Black Stone and Kaaba door) if possible.
    2. Make heartfelt supplications asking Allah for forgiveness guidance protection blessings etc
    3. Express gratitude towards Allah allowing complete sacred journey successfully
  8. Leave Masjid Al Haram Peacefully Respectfully Exit mosque calmly quietly reflecting upon experiences prayers made throughout journey Continue reciting Talbiyah until reach outskirts city limits indicating end state Ihram
  9. Maintain Spiritual Connection Post-Hajj Carry lessons learned renewed spirituality daily life continue practicing good deeds acts worship strengthening faith

Learn More About – Farewell Tawaf

Importance Farewell Tawaf:

Farewell Tawaf signifies completion sacred journey expressing gratitude towards Allah seeking His blessings future endeavors It serves reminder pilgrims carry essence spirituality gained during back homes communities implementing positive changes lives

Who Must Participate in Hajj?

It’s not obligatory for everyone to go for Hajj; only adults Muslims who are mentally, physically and financially capable are required. To learn more about the criteria, check out Who Must Participate in Hajj?.

Why is Hajj Important?

Haj has a lot of significance in spirituality as it signifies submission to Allah among other Muslims and acts like an example setting event for them spiritually too. Appreciating these points may deepen our understanding about why this trip should be considered sacred. Discover more at Why is Hajj Important?.

Preparation for Hajj

One needs physical, mental and spiritual readiness when preparing for haj. Full preparation guarantees smooth process because everything has been taken care of that may be needed during the journey from fitness exercises up to packing necessary items plus engaging into various spiritual practices. For detailed preparation tips, visit Preparation for Hajj.

Benefits Virtues of Hajj

Hajj offers numerous spiritual benefits including forgiveness sins renewal faith:

Forgiveness Performing sincere repentance leads forgiveness past sins Unity Experience unity among Muslims diverse backgrounds Spiritual Renewal Deepen faith through intense worship during rituals To explore these benefits further visit Benefits Hajj & Virtues.


Performing transformative experience requiring thorough preparation & understanding each ritual step-by-step ensures smooth journey filled with devotion & spirituality!

Visit Our Complete Hajj Guide.

Get in touch with Shepherds – Hajj and Umrah Agency for any kind of help.


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Tareq Hussain
Tareq Hussain