Category Hajj

Hajj Umrah Packages from Bangladesh

hajj umrah packages

Embark on a Divine Journey with Our Hajj Umrah Packages from Bangladesh Embarking on the sacred journey of Hajj and Umrah is a profound milestone for every Muslim. For Bangladeshis, this pilgrimage is not only a spiritual awakening but also…

What is Hajj in Islam?

what is hajj in islam

Welcome to our blog post where we unravel the significance of Hajj in Islam. For Muslims around the world, Hajj is a sacred pilgrimage to Mecca that holds great importance in their faith. In this blog post, we will dive…

Hajj on Behalf of the Deceased or Someone Else

Hajj on behalf of deceased or someone else

Hajj is an important part of Islamic devotion, connecting unity, sacrifice, and submission to Allah. This special pilgrimage is one of the Five Pillars of Islam that guides believers on a journey that transforms them both physically and spiritually. In…

Can I Do Hajj On Tourist Visa?

Can i do hajj on tourist visa

Going on the special pilgrimage of Hajj is a deep and life-changing experience. When a muslim plans to go on this mandatory pilgrimage, a common question is often asked, “Can you do Hajj with a tourist visa?  The answer is…

Hajj Pre Registration Process

hajj pre registration process

Hajj Pre Registering Process with us is really simple. All you need to do is follow some easy steps and you are good to go. Before starting the pre-registration process, reviewing the necessary documents is important. Shepherds Hajj & Umrah…

Where Does Hajj Money Go? 

where does hajj money go

The Hajj is a very important pilgrimage in Islam. People from around the world go to religious places in Saudi Arabia for important religious rituals, making it a special adventure in their lives. Muslims value the Hajj a lot and…

যে হজ্জটা লেখাই ছিল

je hajj ta lekhai chilo

সা’ঈদ পেশায় একজন ফিজিওথেরাপিস্ট। বহুদিন ধরে একজন মা তার ‘প্যারালাইজড’ সন্তানকে নিয়ে তার হাসপাতালে আসেন। সেদিন তিনি বললেন, “ভাই, আজকেই হয়ত আপনার সাথে আমাদের শেষ সাক্ষাত।” ফিজিওথেরাপি অনেক লম্বা সময়ের চিকিৎসা। সা’ঈদ ভেবেছিল তারা চিকিৎসার মানে অসন্তুষ্ট। কিন্তু পরে জানতে…