hajj pre registration process

Hajj Pre Registration Process

Hajj Pre Registering Process with us is really simple. All you need to do is follow some easy steps and you are good to go. Before starting the pre-registration process, reviewing the necessary documents is important. Shepherds Hajj & Umrah Services outlines the required paperwork, ensuring pilgrims have everything for a seamless registration experience do check the required documents. Once you’ve reviewed the necessary documents, you’re ready to start your pre-registration:

Step 1: visit our website Shepherds Hajj and Umrah Services you will find a “Get Booking” option in the header section. Click on that to start your pre-registration.

Step 2:  Then a page with a wide selection of Hajj and Umrah packages will appear. Select any of our packages as per your convenience like budget, accommodation, dates, air tickets etc.

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Step 3: After selecting a package you will find a pre-registration form fill that form with all the valid information, The filling process is really easy and self-explanatory. Before submitting the information please recheck all the information as this is very important for your visa and international travel. The information must be matched with your documents in this case your passport.

Step 4: you have already reviewed all the necessary documents. Submit all the documents like your passport, national identification card, birth certificate, and your colored passport-size photo, etc. We are ensuring you that this information will not be shared with any other entities and will be secured in our database.

Step 5: Now you have to pay the Hajj pre-registration fees as per your package. you can pay the Hajj pre-registration fees with your bank card or any mobile banking. It only takes a few clicks to pay the pre-registration fee online via our secure gateway. if you face any problems feel free to contact us.

And that’s it the pre-registration process is complete. you will receive a confirmation message or email in your respective mobile number or Email address. 

Learn more about Hajj Pre Registration.

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Tareq Hussain
Tareq Hussain