About Shepherds BD


By the grace of Allah (swt), it gives us great pleasure to welcome you all on behalf of SHEPHERDS. As we all know that Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam and is obligatory upon all muslims who are able to perform it financially and physically for once in a lifetime. Hence, one must utilize this opportunity to achieve Hajj e Mabrur by performing Hajj and other ibadaat correctly as per Quran and Sunnah, the reward for which is Jannah, inshaAllah.

Moreover, it is our understanding that when it comes to learning the Deen of Allah (swt), many of us are not able to manage time for it but for the Guests of Allah (swt) who have already taken time out of their busy daily schedule for hajj will have ample time to learn about their Deen during the Hajj Journey, inshaAllah.

Shepherds intention is not only to provide assistance to the Guest of Allah (swt) in performing Hajj but also to focus on extensive lectures and trainings to learn some of the basics of Islam and to provide a comprehensive idea about Hajj to our respected Guests of Allah (swt), bidhnillah.

For this reason, Shepherds have teamed up with leading Islamic Scholar Dr. Manzur E Elahi and other prominent Scholars to conduct extensive lecture programs on Hajj and other relevant topics and provide shariah guidance to our respected guests of Allah (swt), Alhamdulillah.

In addition to Hajj, SHEPHERDS also arrange various ranges of Umrah packages as per clients’ preferences and within affordable pricing. For this purpose we have a Saudi based Bangladeshi team which provides assistance to our Umrah clients once they reach Saudi Arabia.

Finally, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for the appreciation and love showered upon us by our clientele each year. This has motivated us to overcome challenges and help us to grow in strength and numbers within a very short time by the grace of the Almighty.

Please feel free to contact us for any queries.

May Allah (swt) forgive us and enable us to overcome our shortcomings.

Abdullah Mohammad Saleh

Chief Operating Officer
Brother Abdullah Saleh has nearly a decade of marketing experience while working in world renowned IT MNCs. He worked as a Marketing Consultant for international organizations as well. He was once an English language teacher and Course Coordinator and worked for the Ministry of Education of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for several years. He has obtained M.A. degree in English and a MBA degree from University of Dhaka.

Tareq Hussain

Chief Business Development Officer
Brother Tareq Hussain has several years of work experience with multinational organizations and organized many high quality events and marketing activities. He has attended several local and international professional development workshops. Originally from Mechanical Engineering background, he started his career as a lecturer at Military Institute of Science & Technology (MIST). He has obtained Bachelors degree from University of Dhaka and a Masters degree from Imperial College London. He was the recipient of MIST Medal-2007.

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